Kill Team: Deathwatch

Like my Grey Knights kill team, I made these guys at a time when I was hung up on the idea that everything I made had to be game-legal. So whenever I wanted to try out a different space marine chapter, I just added a new guy to my Deathwatch team. I don't think I'll... Continue Reading →

Calixis Crusade YouTube

I started a YouTube channel! It was intended as a place to host any turntables I might want to embed on this blog, but I think I'll actually try making some longer form content. I promise not become yet another lore channel, unless I'm talking about my own original lore. I intend to show my... Continue Reading →

Space Wolves Berzerkers

These are my corrupted Space Wolf Berzerkers of Khorne. They're for my Word Bearers army but it seemed sacrilegious to give Word Bearers any mark of chaos other than "Undivided." So I thought what if each of their cult troops could be loyalist marines who were converted by my Dark Apostle's sermons? My plan at... Continue Reading →

Kill Team: Grey Knights

Whenever I would get an idea for a conversion project but I didn't want to start an army, I would make a kill team. I used to be really hung up on the idea that everything I made had to be game legal and WYSIWYG. Otherwise what's the point of making it? But as the... Continue Reading →

Crusade Week: ROGAL DORN!

Here's my kitbashed Rogal Dorn in Black Templars armor. He's really old so insert boilerplate "I like this kitbash but the paintjob is atrocious." His body is based on Guilliman from Forgeworld. Since Dorn lost his hand, I gave him a robot hand from House Orlock. And to make him count as Guilliman in 40k,... Continue Reading →

Crusade Week: Castellan

Another prime example of my early hobby era: I love this kitbash but I hate the paintjob. I'll probably touch this guy up when I jump back on my Black Templars project because I just love the way he turned out. His legs are from the Skullreapers of Khorne from Aos, his torso is some... Continue Reading →

Crusade Week: Chaplain

This guy isn't any specific character in the story of the Calixis Crusade. I just wanted to have a chaplain model for every possible loadout because I love chaplains. This guy is based on the excellent Zardu Layak sculpt. Which is ironic considering the Word Bearers are the mortal enemies of the Calixis Crusade.

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