Faction Music: Warriors of Chaos

In contrast to Chaos Space Marines, who take themselves very seriously, I think of the Warriors of Chaos as one big rowdy headbanger party. Like a Municipal Waste music video. But to me, the perfect song to represent these ultimate heavy metal barbarians is ‘Ravening Iron’ by Eternal Champion.

I know a chaos marauder when I see one.
At dawn we strike
Rend mail and flesh
Stack the slain
Climb the gate
Burn the altar down

And the acolytes
Watch their gods
Refuse their cries
Their eyes of fear
Holding trembling swords

The smoke reveals
The gathered gods
Uncanny shapes
Above the ashes

The smoke reveals
The gathered gods
Their favor won
By slavish pawns

A city turned pyre
By Ravening Iron
Thousands of swords
No one can take them from me

Protected by fire
The Armor of Ire
Thousands of swords
No one can take them form me

The dim fire light
Betrays their numbers
Brands aflame
The din of song
They revel before war

And the sacrifice
The gain of empire
Screams in pain
With her eyes of fear
Is bound upon the stave

The smoke reveals
The gathered gods
Uncanny shapes
Above the ashes

The smoke reveals
The gathered gods
Their favor won
By slavish pawns

A city turned pyre
By Ravening Iron
Thousands of swords
No one can take them from me

Protected by fire
The Armor of Ire
Thousands of swords
No one can take them form me

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