W.I.P. Wednesday – Chaos Lords on Manticores

Does anyone really like the old Lord on manticore model anymore? I sure don’t. And I’m also bummed that Chaos doesn’t have dragons anymore! I miss the old days when heavy metal barbarians could swoop down on a leathery wings and spew kaleidoscopic mutating fire onto unsuspecting townsfolk! Don’t you? So I converted a couple dragon riders to be used as Lords of Chaos on Manticores.

I was watching House of the Dragon at the time so I knew I had to make one of them a badass, white haired woman. These are based on the drake…drakeguard? Dragon guard? I forget the name. They’re the dragon dudes from the stormcast eternals line. I put a couple chaos warriors on top and swapped the mounts’ heads for Varanguard steed heads. I still have some sigmar symbols to scrape off but they’re basically ready to crush some weak southlanders!

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