TZEENTCH WEEK! – Knights of Tzeentch

For my unit of Tzeentch-Marked Knights, I followed the same rules as my Warriors of Tzeentch; no eyes, three arms, mutations. I used Tzaangor bits for a few of the weapons, the horn, and the banner. But I used hellstrider arms for the mutated lances which grow directly out of their arms. Super Tzeentchy! This... Continue Reading →

TZEENTCH WEEK! – Chaos Warriors

I realized that I have a ton of Tzeentch stuff in the works right now so it might as well be Tzeentch week! Yesterday I showed off my kitbashed unit of Forsaken. Those weren't originally intended to have the Mark of Tzeentch, but when I made these warriors, I knew I wanted a beautiful colorshift... Continue Reading →

Showcase: Kitbashed Forsaken!

Today's WIP is my unit of Chaos Forsaken. Originally they were intended to be used in OPR: Regiments or as extra Tzeentch-Marked Warriors of Chaos. But since The Old World was released there are rules for true Forsaken again! For this kitbash the legs come from Khorne Skullreapers, the torsos come from Khorne Skullcrushers, the... Continue Reading →

W.I.P. Wednesday: Ogroid Theridons

Small update this week. I painted up my Ogroids from the Slaves to Darkness box. Honestly when I bought that box, I just wanted the rulebook and the daemon prince. The Chosen were a decent bonus. But the Ogroids didn't really interest me that much. But while I was painting them they sorta clicked. I... Continue Reading →

W.I.P. Wednesday: Chaos Chosen

Here's my unit of chosen. They just need their bases done and a decal for the banner. I'm also considering making all their weapons glowing and molten as if forged with dragon fire, for lore purposes. But I kinda like how they look now. So maybe not.

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