TZEENTCH WEEK! – Chaos Warriors

I realized that I have a ton of Tzeentch stuff in the works right now so it might as well be Tzeentch week! Yesterday I showed off my kitbashed unit of Forsaken. Those weren’t originally intended to have the Mark of Tzeentch, but when I made these warriors, I knew I wanted a beautiful colorshift paint scheme for their armor plates. I also knew I wanted unsettling pallid skin that shifts to black at the finger tips. So I used that unit of Forsaken as practice for these warriors. So imagine these guys painted up like my forsaken.

I had a few design rules in mind when converting all of my Tzeentch units. They need to have smooth rounded armor (to show off the color shift paint), their helmets needed to have the eyeholes filled in for a spooky blinded look, and they need multiple arms. Preferably an odd number. Since they’re all blind, I gave the unit champion a shield covered in eyes. I imagine he’s the only one that can see. The rest see only the shifting currents of the winds of magic, and faint ghostly outlines of the souls of their enemies on the battlefield.

The bits I used for this project were all over the place. The torsos all come from the Khorne Skullcrushers kit. I like their simple designs and the gorget around the neck. The legs come from the Khorne Skullreapers and Blood Warriors. I liked their dynamic poses. The weapons and arms come mostly from Tzaangors and Tzeentch acolytes. And their heads and shoulder pads are a mix of Chaos Knights and Chaos Warriors.

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