TZEENTCH WEEK! – Knights of Tzeentch

For my unit of Tzeentch-Marked Knights, I followed the same rules as my Warriors of Tzeentch; no eyes, three arms, mutations. I used Tzaangor bits for a few of the weapons, the horn, and the banner. But I used hellstrider arms for the mutated lances which grow directly out of their arms. Super Tzeentchy! This conversion was harder because the new knights kit is very mono-pose. It was hard to differentiate them from my regular ‘Undivided’ knights. I probably won’t use this kit again for that reason. I plan to put my future Knights of Slaanesh on seekers, so stay tuned for that! Lastly, like my Tzeentch Warriors, imagine these guys painted up in the same scheme as my Forsaken.

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