W.I.P. Wednesday: Marauder Horsemen

Today’s WIP is my marauder horsemen. I’m not sure if I want to give them shields or javelins in their offhand which is why they’re unfinished. For the background on these guys, check out the lore post for my chaos army here. But quick summary, they’re from the Tong tribe which lives pretty close to the polar gates and so are mutated by the chaos energies. The Tong aren’t really fleshed out in the official art so I had fun developing a unique style for them. I used some new Kruelboyz Ork bits to give them those semi-unhuman proportions. And their horse bodies are actually deer from some woodelves kit. I made them centaurs, again, because of the mutating energies of the polar gate. My marauders on foot will be based on Kruelboyz bodies as well, I think.

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