W.I.P. Wednesday: Slaanesh Warriors

These are my chaos warriors with the Mark of Slaanesh. I’m pretty proud of these guys. My design principles for them were: lots of pelts, smooth armor, tall proportions, exposed skin, and exotic weaponry. I also wanted to not have any horned helmets, but the banner bearer has them because I was one helmet short! Ugh! At least it came from the same kit as the other helmets so it still fits. The unit champion has a cow mask to represent the greater daemon of Slaanesh, the Keeper of Secrets. I think they fit pretty well aesthetically with my Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. The bits for this project come largely from various Stormcast Eternals kits. In fact you can see I still have a lot of Sigmarite iconography to scrape off.

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