Crusade Week: Techmarines

FINALLY getting around to posting some Black Templars. They were my first army and they’re the reason my blog and instagram are called Calixis Crusade. If you’re interested, you can check out the lore I’ve been writing for them. But today I’m talking about my Grimdark Techmarines.

I wanted this first one to come across as old and grumpy. He maintains the equipment aboard the strike cruiser. When he does go to war, he hangs back, repairing artillery and blasting with his conversion beamer.

This next guy is more of a frontline mechanic. He rides in the transports along with the battle brothers, repairing dreadnoughts, sabotaging heretic infrastructure, and trying not to think too hard about the nature of the Omnissiah/Emperor’s divinity.

I made these (and all of my Black Templars) before I knew how to paint. I love these kitbashes but their paintjobs are really rough. I’m a little afraid to go back and touch it up, but I think I’ll need to one day. Before Primaris marines were released, my main kitbash project was an all truescale Black Templars army because I didn’t like the stubby proportions of the old marines. I attribute my love of kitbashing to all the fun I had working on Black Templars. I quickly realized that converting miniatures is my biggest hobby passion. Way more than painting or playing on tabletop. Ever since this project, I’ve endeavored to leave not a single model in any of my armies unconverted. When the new Slaves to Darkness box came out, I loved the models so much that I left them unconverted but I kind of regret that now.

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