Space Wolves Berzerkers

These are my corrupted Space Wolf Berzerkers of Khorne. They’re for my Word Bearers army but it seemed sacrilegious to give Word Bearers any mark of chaos other than “Undivided.” So I thought what if each of their cult troops could be loyalist marines who were converted by my Dark Apostle’s sermons? My plan at the time was to make Blood Angels noise marines. I never did decide who would be Tzeentch and who would be Nurgle.

These guys are very rough. And I mean ROUGH. Like all my models from the early days, I’m really proud of the conversion work but the paint job is abysmal. The grey armor is actually just the primer. I didn’t even bother to paint over it. It’s just straight up Rustoleum. I dry brushed it white with cheap paint from Michael’s. There are tons of mold lines and even chunks of sprue attached to them. I really didn’t know what I was doing. But I was ambitious and excited to give everything a shot! Also a mosquito got stuck in the wet paint as I was priming, so I took that as a sign that the blood god approves.

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