W.I.P. Wednesday: Custom Chaos Chosen

This project is pretty old. I made it before the new Chaos Chosen kit came out (Click here to see how I painted those guys up.) because I wanted to make them bigger than regular warriors. In fact this is probably the first Slaves to Darkness project I ever started. I used it as a way to explore the looks of the various marks of chaos for my army since I knew I wanted to do a custom conversion for each of them. So each chosen warrior in the unit has a different mark.

The two guys with the Mark of Chaos Undivided are the most standard looking warriors. And that’s reflected across my whole army. Undivided units are the ones I build mostly as intended.

The Slaanesh-marked warrior turned out so well that I used him as the basis for all of my Warriors of Slaanesh.

Similarly, I was so happy with my Tzeentch-Marked guy that I used these same rules when I made all of my Tzeentch units. No eyes and three arms.

The Khorne guy turned out cool too but I made him before I knew what the lore would be for my Khorne units. In fact the little tiny wolf skull emblem on his shoulder is what game me the idea after he was finished. They’re all former empire knights of the white wolf, now fallen to the god of warfare.

Lastly, the Nurgle dude. I really wasn’t sure what to do with him so I gave him a big mutated and tentacley arm. I was going for an Akira look I think. But I later went with a more Bretonnian theme for my Nurgle units, so he no longer really fits.

Since the new Chosen kit came out, I probably won’t use these guys that way because you can only have one unit of Chosen in The Old World. So instead I think I’ll use these guys as various Lords and Exalted Champions. Or maybe even as unit champions in a block of generic Warriors of Chaos to show which mark of chaos they have.

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