W.I.P. Wednesday: Slaanesh Warriors

These are my chaos warriors with the Mark of Slaanesh. I'm pretty proud of these guys. My design principles for them were: lots of pelts, smooth armor, tall proportions, exposed skin, and exotic weaponry. I also wanted to not have any horned helmets, but the banner bearer has them because I was one helmet short!... Continue Reading →

Showcase: Lords of Chaos Undivided

Like all of my Chaos Undivided units, these guys were painted before I knew what I was doing. But I did go back later and use them to learn how to paint flaming weapons which I think elevates them a lot! I'll probably add some more details to them in the future.

W.I.P. Wednesday: Marauder Horsemen

Today's WIP is my marauder horsemen. I'm not sure if I want to give them shields or javelins in their offhand which is why they're unfinished. For the background on these guys, check out the lore post for my chaos army here. But quick summary, they're from the Tong tribe which lives pretty close to... Continue Reading →

TZEENTCH WEEK! – Sorcerer Lord

Similar to the Chaos Lord that I posted yesterday, my Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch follows all of my Tzeentch-y design rules except one. He's blinded but he doesn't have multiple limbs. He's following the path to glory so he needs to pace himself to avoid spawndom and achieve daemonhood. He might not look like your... Continue Reading →

TZEENTCH WEEK! – Chaos Lord!

This is my Lord of Chaos with the Mark of Tzeentch. For this guy I followed the same rules for all of my Tzeentch-Marked units. Mostly. My design rules for Tzeentch are: no eyes, smooth armor, and multiple limbs. But I gave this guy only two arms because I wanted to represent that he's on... Continue Reading →

TZEENTCH WEEK! – Knights of Tzeentch

For my unit of Tzeentch-Marked Knights, I followed the same rules as my Warriors of Tzeentch; no eyes, three arms, mutations. I used Tzaangor bits for a few of the weapons, the horn, and the banner. But I used hellstrider arms for the mutated lances which grow directly out of their arms. Super Tzeentchy! This... Continue Reading →

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