Kill Team: Deathwatch

Like my Grey Knights kill team, I made these guys at a time when I was hung up on the idea that everything I made had to be game-legal. So whenever I wanted to try out a different space marine chapter, I just added a new guy to my Deathwatch team. I don't think I'll... Continue Reading →

Kill Team: Grey Knights

Whenever I would get an idea for a conversion project but I didn't want to start an army, I would make a kill team. I used to be really hung up on the idea that everything I made had to be game legal and WYSIWYG. Otherwise what's the point of making it? But as the... Continue Reading →

Death Guard Killteam

This is my Death Guard kill team. I made it for Kill Team 1.0 so I have no clue whether it's still legal. In terms of lore, these are actually not Death Guard but Word Bearers with the mark of Nurgle. The wider Word Bearers legion looks down on those who dedicate themselves to a... Continue Reading →

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