Space Wolves Berzerkers

These are my corrupted Space Wolf Berzerkers of Khorne. They're for my Word Bearers army but it seemed sacrilegious to give Word Bearers any mark of chaos other than "Undivided." So I thought what if each of their cult troops could be loyalist marines who were converted by my Dark Apostle's sermons? My plan at... Continue Reading →

Word Bearers HQ

I've started a small force of Word Bearers to act as the main baddies for my Black Templars. I like the idea of Word Bearers pitted against Black Templars because they're both the most fervently religious groups in their respective factions. It's fun to play their extreme faiths off of each other. If you've been... Continue Reading →

Death Guard Killteam

This is my Death Guard kill team. I made it for Kill Team 1.0 so I have no clue whether it's still legal. In terms of lore, these are actually not Death Guard but Word Bearers with the mark of Nurgle. The wider Word Bearers legion looks down on those who dedicate themselves to a... Continue Reading →

Faction Music: Chaos Space Marines

Whenever I'm painting my Warhammer models, certain songs always pop into my head depending on the army I'm working on. For my Word Bearers, I always think about 'I am Vengeance' by Naglfar. Black Metal is perfect for Chaos Space Marines. Especially the later waves of more melodic, overly-produced black metal like Naglfar. The melodrama,... Continue Reading →

Word Bearers Daemon Prince

As I walk the path to glory, I have left a trail of dead stars and burning worlds in my wake. The skulls of the false emperor's faithful heroes adorn my war plate. I daub my visage with their blood. And with this final sacrifice, I place the crown of atrocity upon my own head. I have ascended! And now The Great Work can truly begin.

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